Today: 2025 Special Sale Price And Free Shipping!
Extremely Easy To Use Solar Generator: Just Point... Plug... and Power Up!
Briefcase Backup Lets You Generate Electrical Power
Anywhere... Anytime!

The "Lithium Powered" Briefcase Backup Is Pure Sine Wave Designed For Military And Medical Use!
Briefcase Solar-Power Generator
January 2025 "Back In Stock" Special Offer

The Perfect "Low Profile" Backup Power Choice For The Hard Days Ahead In 2025
Dear Friend,
The days ahead in 2025 could be challenging. Political uncertainty. Biological uncertainty. Economic uncertainty. Seems surreal. Is the power grid safe? Not really sure at this point.
One thing I do know. Chaos or no chaos... Backup power is crucial. Especially "portable" backup power. The Briefcase Backup is very portable and has some great features. You can check them out below:
An Extremely Powerful... Portable Solar Generator That Looks... Like A Briefcase!

The Lithium-Powered Briefcase Backup Goes With You... Backing You Up... Literally... Anywhere In The World!
It's the most powerful “12-pound backup” You Will Ever Own.
The Briefcase Backup is like having an on-demand and self-sustaining “portable power plant” that stays with you... producing electricity... no matter how conditions in the world may change.
The briefcase solar panel power generator features a high impact design and construction is strong enough to stand up to real farm, commercial or military use.
It tucks neatly away in your car, truck, or keep it at your cabin, hunting lodge or "just in case" place... It literally goes anywhere you do!
Not Just Compact … It’s Easy To Carry With You Everywhere You Go

For some, the Briefcase Backup may be the only source of backup power they will ever need. In fact, we have customers living "off-grid" with no other electrical power... just their Briefcase Backup.
So What Are The Specs And What Can It Do?
First, imagine having an endless supply of electricity… literally anywhere in the world.






Work sites with no power

Hurricane preparation

Getaways to remote locations




So, you’ll have power everywhere you go... The Briefcase Backup is the perfect.
off-the-grid backup that has your power needs covered in ANY situation.
Second, what are the specs? Just how powerful is this baby?
The Briefcase Backup is the perfect system for any emergencies and off-grid applications providing up to 175 Watt-hours of energy.
The Briefcase Backup uses simple plug-n-play technology and can be charged two different ways:
- It can be fully charged and ready to go in a few hours by plugging it into a standard 110 volt AC wall socket....
- Or you can flip open the lid to expose the two, 10 watt, mono-crystalline solar panels outdoors and “fast charge” it with the sun...
After that, you're ready to go. The unit has a small, waterproof side panel that opens with a quick twist of two knobs to reveal:

The Briefcase Backup has a clear, LCD display panel that shows how much charge is left in the battery (both in meter and percentage form). It also shows when your power is on or off in both AC and DC mode... and... any error messages if a problem occurs.

And then you have the built-in intelligent controls that offer...
- Automatic short circuit protection
- Automatic overload protection... and...
- Automatic DC reverse polarity protection
Last, but not least, the Briefcase Backup has a 3-watt LED flashlight with a flashing SOS mode and power switch.

Truly, the Briefcase Backup can be a reliable source of electrical power in any and all outdoor recreational activities.
It's Also Very Easy To Use!

Goes With You Anywhere

Generate An Unlimited Supply Of FREE Backup Power From The Sun
Grab one today. No matter where you are, or what the world throws at you... in the months ahead... you'll need a way to generate electricity... on demand... anytime you need it.
One more thing. We still live in a world of power grid insecurity.
Click the button below to claim yours.

Bill Heid
Powerful Living
P.S. I have a Briefcase Backup that I use all the time on my farm. It really will take a beating and it just keeps generating power. I use it in the orchard to listen music, podcasts and lectures while I work. We also drill "fertilizer holes" with it around my apple trees. (pretty fast recharge too)
P.P.S. Again, supplies of the Briefcase Backup are LIMITED as we only have a few units available. Once they are gone... they're gone... until things open up again. Not exactly sure when that will be. (Last time it was almost a year)
Claim yours by clicking the "Buy Now" button below.
Take The Next Step To Claim Your Briefcase Backup!
Yes! I'll Take A Briefcase Backup!

The Briefcase Backup uses a lithium-polymer battery making it extremely robust. Waterproof case makes the Briefcase Backup...
great for extreme weather applications.
Claim One Of The Briefcase Backups
Available Today!
Limit: One Briefcase Backup Per Household
Plus Get Over $350.00 In Free Bonuses Today Only!
Bonuses are limited in quantity and are offered on a first come, first served basis.

The Big Book of Off The Grid Secrets (Digital E-Book). A complete guide divulging some of the best Off The Grid Secrets. (Value $29.97)

EMP Ready (Online Video). A one hour 45 minute online video packed with information you need to know to protect yourself and loved ones from the threat of an EMP attack. (Value $59.95)

The Ultimate Relocation Manual (Digital E-Book). A great guide to everything you need to know about strategic relocation. It's full of checklists, questions, resources and strategies that will help you determine the safest and most livable areas for you and your family. (Value $40.00)

Ready For Anything (Digital E-Book). You’ll learn: how to purify and store water; how to grow and store food; how to stock up on medical supplies; how to keep your family safe; and a whole lot more! (Value $39.99)
Free Bonus #5

Survival Seed Bank
Worth $169.95
Free Bonus #6

$25.00 Value

$25.00 Value
"Briefcase Backup" Lighting Package - 2 Pack
Worth $50.00
Total Bonus Value Alone
Over $350.00!
Claim Yours Today
Was $995.00
Complete Package $695.00
Plus FREE Shipping
Ships In 7-10 Days (Sometimes Sooner)
(Out Of Stock)

You can also order by sending a check or money order to:
Powerful Living
Attn. Briefcase Backup
900 W Main St.
P.O. Box 361
Thomson, IL 61285